PUBLIC NOTICE - Internet Auctions (click here for Announcement and Terms & Condition)
MAHARG TRASH SERVICE - UPDATED CONTRACT 9/1/24 (Click here for details)
Village Administrator - Job Posting (Click here for details) Deadline to Apply is March 12th.
The village provides the community with a heated, outdoor swimming pool that is a Z-shaped pool ranging in depth from 2' to 12'. A diving area is a 12' deep diving well with two low boards. The general swimming area has depths from 3' to 5' and is also the area that has a double-slide and six swim lanes utilized by our swim team. A shallow area that is 2' to 3' in depth also contains a baby slide and an area for the younger swimmers to enjoy. A handicap pool lift is available for those needing assistance.
Also available is a separate wading pool that is surrounded by concrete deck and is enclosed with a 4-foot fence for the children's safety.
The entrance / exit to the swimming pool is a 2,250 square foot bathhouse that is divided into men's and women's shower and dressing rooms. The middle lifeguard room also contains the opportunity to purchase a few concession items.
The pool is open from Memorial Day to approximately the third week of August.
The pool is available to be rented on Friday and Saturday evenings for private parties.
Contact the Village Office for more information.
Swim lessons will begin the week of June 3, 2024. You can download the registration form here and turn it in with payment to the Village Office or at the pool, once they open.
Pool Passes are now available at the Village Office. They are $100 for a family / $50 for single. Click here to download the form.
You may contact Ambassador Pool at 419-375-4767.
The Village of Fort Recovery is located in beautiful rural Mercer County, Ohio, yet is within easy reach to many metropolitan areas in Ohio and Indiana.
Quick Links
Contact Us
201 South Main Street | PO Box 340
Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0340
Phone: (419)375-2530
Fax: (419)375-4709