PUBLIC NOTICE - Internet Auctions (click here for Announcement and Terms & Condition)
MAHARG TRASH SERVICE - UPDATED CONTRACT 9/1/24 (Click here for details)
Village Administrator - Job Posting (Click here for details) Deadline to Apply is March 12th.
RES 2025-01 - Approve appropriations for current expenses for FY2025 ending 12/31/25.
RES 2025-02 - Advance money from one fund to another fund
RES 2025-03 - Approve appropriations for current and other expenses for FY2025 ending 12/31/25.
RES 2025-04 - Transfer money from one fund to another fund.
RES 2025-05 - Authorize the Village Fiscal Officer to execute an OPERS Conversion Plan for the conversion of vacation leave to cash for leave that is accrued, but not used, during each calendar year.
RES 2025-06 - Authorize the sale by internet auction during calendar year 2025 for municipally owned personal property which is not needed for public use or which is obsolete or unfit for municipal purposes.
RES 2025-07 - Advance money from one fund to another fund.
RES 2025-08- Amend Appropriations for current expenses for the fiscal year ending 12/31/25.
RES 2025-09 - Transfer money from General Fund to Street Repair & Maintenance Fund
RES 2025-10- Amend appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures.
RES 2025-11 - Transfer money from one fund to another fund.
ORD 2025-01 - Authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into a contract for street lighting services on public grounds and streets in the Village of Fort Recovery from 1/1/25 through 12/31/29.
ORD 2025-02 - Setting forth services the Village will provide to the 7.417 acre territory in Gibson Township proposed for annexation to the Village.
ORD 2025-03 - Amending Section I of Ordinance No. 2024-09 to adjust the classifications and pay schedules for Police Department employees.
RES 2025- 1&2
ORD 2025-01
RES 2025-3 thru 6
ORD 2025-2&3
RES 2025-07 & 08
RES 2025-09 & 10
RES 2025-11
To view previous Resolutions and Ordinances click here.
The Village of Fort Recovery is located in beautiful rural Mercer County, Ohio, yet is within easy reach to many metropolitan areas in Ohio and Indiana.
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Contact Us
201 South Main Street | PO Box 340
Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0340
Phone: (419)375-2530
Fax: (419)375-4709