PUBLIC NOTICE - Internet Auctions (click here for Announcement and Terms & Condition)
MAHARG TRASH SERVICE - UPDATED CONTRACT 9/1/24 (Click here for details)
Village Administrator - Job Posting (Click here for details) Deadline to Apply is March 12th.
RES 2024-01 - Sale of municipally owned personal property by internet auction in 2024.
RES 2024-02 - Authorization for Fiscal Officer to execute an OPERS conversion plan to convert unused vacation leave to cash.
RES 2024-03 - Authorization for the Director of Transportation to complete resurfacing on State Route 119 within the Village of Fort Recovery.
RES 2024-04- 2024 Appropriations for expenditures.
RES 2024-05 - Authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an Aggregation Service Agreement with Priority Power Management, LLC
RES 2024-06 - Authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an easement with the State of Ohio.
RES 2024-07 - Approving First Financial Bank as depositories for the funds of the Village of Fort Recovery.
RES 2024-08 - Authorization to amend Appropriations for Current Expenses and Other Expenditures in Fiscal Year 2024.
RES 2024-09 - Authorization to amend appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures in fiscal year 2024.
RES 2024-10 - Authorization for the Village of Fort Recovery to contract with ODOT for a street improvement project.
RES 2024-10 B - Naming the Village as the responsible party for construction & maintenance of a traffic signal.
RES 2024-11- Authorization for Village Administrator to apply for, accept and enter into a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) agreement for planning, design and/ or construction of water facilities.
RES 2024-11 B - Authorization to amend appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures in fiscal year 2024.
RES 2024-12 - Authorization to establish funds & declare source of revenue
RES 2024-13- Authorization to establish funds & declare source of revenue
RES 2024-14 Authorization to amend appropriations
RES 2024-15 Authorization to construct curbs & sidewalks on Butler Street
RES 2024-16 Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Waste Disposal Agreement with Maharg, Inc.
RES 2024-17 Authorization to amend appropriations
RES 2024-18 Authorization to transfer money from one fund to another fund
RES 2024-19 Authorization to amend appropriations
RES 2024-20 Authorization to transfer money from the General Fund to the Sewer Improvement Fund
RES 2024-21 Authorization to transfer money from the General Fund to Street Repair and Maintenance Fund
RES 2024-22 Authorization for Mercer Savings Bank and St Henry Bank to be depositories for funds for the Village of Fort Recovery
RES 2024-23 Authorization for the amounts and rates for the Village of Fort Recovery as determined by the Budget Commission, authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor
RES 2024-24 Accepting the Local Government Fund Amount and Rate.
RES 2024-25 Authorization to execute an Encroachment Easement Agreement
RES 2024-26 Authorization to advance money from one fund to another fund
RES 2024-27 - Authorization to establish funds for OWDA- Water Treatment Plant
RES 2024-28 - Resolution to advance money from one fund to another fund.
RES 2024-29 - Resolution authorizing the expenditure of public funds for amenities.
RES 2024-30 - Resolution to amend appropriations for current expenses and other expenses through December 31, 2024
RES 2024-31 - Resolution to advance money from one fund to another fund.
RES 2024-32 - Resolution to amend appropriations for current expenses and other expenses through December 31, 2024
RES 2024-33 - Resolution to authorize 2025 temporary appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures through fiscal year ending December 31, 2025
RES 2024-34 - Resolution to transfer money from one fund to another fund.
ORD 2024-01 - Authorizing the Village Administrator to apply for Safe Routes to School Funding for an Infrastructure Project with ODOT.
ORD 2024-02 - Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2023-10 to adjust the classification and pay schedule for park and recreation department employees of the Village of Fort Recovery.
ORD 2024-03 - Amending Ordinance No. 2024-02, to adjust the classification and pay schedule or park and recreation department employees of the Village of Fort Recovery.
ORD 2024 - Amending the pay schedules for police and utility department employees of the Village of Fort Recovery as set in prior ordinances.
ORD 2024-04 - Amend and correct ORD 2021-03 tax credit provisions for Fort Recovery residents, receiving taxable in come in Indiana.
ORD 2024-05 - Amend the Village of Fort Recovery's Municipal Income Tax Ordinance to achieve compliance with the State of Ohio's House Bill 33.
ORD 2024-06 -Amending the pay schedules for police and utility department employees of the Village of Fort Recovery as set in prior ordinances.
ORD 2024-07 - Levy Assessments on Properties Abutting Gwendolyn and W. Wiggs Streets for the Installation of Sidewalks and Curbs.
ORD 2024-08 - Authorization to adjust the classifications and pay schedules for Street Department employees
The Village of Fort Recovery is located in beautiful rural Mercer County, Ohio, yet is within easy reach to many metropolitan areas in Ohio and Indiana.
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Contact Us
201 South Main Street | PO Box 340
Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0340
Phone: (419)375-2530
Fax: (419)375-4709