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MAHARG TRASH SERVICE - UPDATED CONTRACT 9/1/24 (Click here for details)
Village Administrator - Job Posting (Click here for details) Deadline to Apply is March 12th.
In 1908, President William Howard Taft signed a bill that allowed for the building of a monument in Fort Recovery. The monument was built in 1912 and dedicated on July, 1, 1913. The obelisk stands 101'4" tall and weight approximately 800 tons. The nine foot statue depicts a frontiersman facing west and looking out at the beautiful land into which he triumphed.
Underneath the base of the monument are the remains of those people killed under the commands of Arthur St. Clair and Anthony Wayne. 32 medallions surround the base of the monument, each inscribed with the name of an officer killed in battle here. Four bronze plaques also surround the base of the monument.
To this day, each Memorial Day weekend, over 900 crosses are placed in the Monument Park in remembrance of the fallen soldiers. The park is located at the corner of OH-49 and OH-119.
In 2016, a new monument was erected on the east side of Monument Park. The names of several hundred service men and women from all branches of military are engraved in stainless steel walls that are secured with while concrete pillars which are enhanced with medallions.
The Village of Fort Recovery is located in beautiful rural Mercer County, Ohio, yet is within easy reach to many metropolitan areas in Ohio and Indiana.
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Contact Us
201 South Main Street | PO Box 340
Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846-0340
Phone: (419)375-2530
Fax: (419)375-4709